Make over your nutrition and unlock your natural ability to balance hormones and burn fat

Healthified in 21 Days is for you if...

you are sick of feeling sick, you don't trust food marketing, you're confused by the conflicting nutrition information you read online, and you are ready to f*ck the food lies and learn the truth about what's blocking your progress toward your goals.


I want in, LFG!

About the Program

It's said that it takes 21 days to form a new habit. Healthified in 21 Days is designed to do just that.

This self-directed online course is designed to bust common nutrition myths fed to us by Big Food and the mainstream media.

Each immersive lesson will help you UN-learn harmful food lies that are sabotaging our progress, and RE-learn the truth about healthy eating. In just 3 weeks, you'll have your eyes opened and be empowered to make the best choices for your health and goals.

Over 21 days, you will get a daily educational module along with:

  • Daily challenge to help you apply the lesson
  • Healthy recipes from my 1,000+-recipe database
  • Fun activities to reset and nourish your mind and soul
  • BONUS: daily workouts!


I'm ready for lasting change and health. Sign me up!

In 3 super-charged weeks,

you can learn all the tools that, if you commit to making them a long-term part of your life, will help you get on track to healing and enjoying lasting change: restored hormonal balance, revived energy, and refreshed fat burning abilities.

Hormone balance

Right now, you might be dealing with anything from uncontrollable snacking, near-constant sugar cravings, afternoon fatigue that makes it impossible to exercise, lack of motivation to meal-prep healthy foods, intense mood swings that have you snapping at your sig other several times a day, or just a plain-old knowledge gap when it comes to the best foods for YOU.
(After all, you are doing all the “right” things that we’ve all been told were healthy!)


Imagine if

you learned that the “healthy” yogurt you snack on every day was sabotaging your health.

Measuring tape

Imagine if

you found out that all that cardio you’ve been doing is the worst thing for your hormones and might be contributing to that stubborn belly fat.

Biological clock and aging

Imagine if

you realized that the mood swings, fatigue, and “sticky” weight gain are NOT normal parts of aging and that you DON’T have to accept them.

A Peek into the Program

The Healthified in 21 Days program is built around busting common food myths that have made Americans sick, by eating shit. 

Within each day, you’ll get a video introduction from me + a featured nutrition lesson that highlights myth-busting truths you need to know to make the right food choices. Each day’s content also includes important knowledge and resources to nurture your mind, body and soul.

Healthified in 21 Days Portal Home Page
Healthified in 21 Days Day View
Healthified in 21 Days Nutrition Lesson
Healthified in 21 Days Spark View
Healthified in 21 Days Workout View
Healthified in 21 Days Nourish View

Healthified in 21 Days


a total value of $1,800!

  • Daily Workouts, with demo videos! Each week, youā€™ll get Upper Body, Lower Body, Ab, Movement, Total Body, and Flow workoutsā€¦ thatā€™s 6 unique routines per week! ($900 value)
  • 21 Healthy Recipes to give you hormone-friendly dishes for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and dessert ($50 value)
  • Daily Behavior-Change Challenges to help you put the lessons into practice ($160 value)
  • Community Q&A and Discussion to share your experiences and ask questions ($200 value)
  • Direct Access to Coach CiCi for private questions and guidance ($500 value)
SOLD. I want in.
Woman in her 30s

Jerica D.

"I'm blown away at all the things I didn't know! Thank you, CiCi, for setting me straight. I've already lost 4 pounds, and it's just motivating me to keep on going and working for the health I deserve."

Woman in her 50s

Evelyn T.

"I have more energy, I'm sleeping better, my mood swings are diminishing... but best of all, I now have the tools to navigate any other health challenges that crop up."

Woman in her 20s

Kaci F.

"My body couldn't regulate itself once I got off the pill. I feel much better now that I know why, and how to stay on this path to fixing things. Plus, eating well is fun again!"

Here's How it Works

Are you sick of feeling sick?


Are you over the overweight life?


Are you done with being in a constant state of imbalance?


Your hormones are at the heart of it all. Healthified in 21 Days is a robust program that has been proven to work in a group of 50 women, all with varying imbalances and health challenges. 

Are you ready to commit? To work? To give yourself the investment and dedication and attention and love that you need and fucking deserve?

Let’s do this.

Yes. Let's DO this. I want to be a part of this program!