Pinpoint your personal sources of imbalance and get a custom plan to heal for good.

Tell me if this sounds like you...

  • You've tried a lot of diet and health programs... with no lasting results
  • Your energy is up and down all day, and as a result, you feel like sh*t
  • You’re confused by conflicting health advice you read in the media and just need to know what to do
  • You're struggling with physical symptoms like belly fat, breakouts, fatigue, mood swings and more... and despite what everyone tells you, you're not sure this is a "normal part of aging"
  • You're feeling the emotional consequences of not being able to heal, like frustration, confusion, anger, and low-self-esteem


If this is you, I am sorry for what you're going through. I want to help.

The Hormone Healing Program is for you if...

you have wellness goals that you can't seem to move the needle on AND you have other known hormone issues at play (PCOS, infertility, thyroid, autoimmune). You are at the point where you know you need a more personal level of attention to pinpoint your individual sources of imbalance as well as a custom plan to help you heal for good.


I want in!

About the Program

If you’re seeking a “wham-bam” miracle solution with dramatic and speedy results, this is not it.

You see, true and lasting healing works differently.

We’re reframing the outdated mindset of quick fixes and silver bullets and redesigning your lifestyle.

Some of the most troubling health problems have a surprising solution. Weight problems, infertility, menstrual cramps, diabetes, thyroid problems, acne, hot flashes, and many others are related to the foods you eat. In each case, whether you know it or not, foods are changing your hormones, making you feel great or terrible, vigorous or lethargic, pain-free or miserable.

The key is this: You can control your hormones—and the problems they cause—by the food choices you make every day. It is surprisingly easy, and I will show you how to do it.

Here's an overview of how the Program is structured:

  • Week 1: Onboarding—an overview of how we'll work together.
  • Weeks 2-3: Discovery and Assessment—a series of intake forms and evaluations to pinpoint the root cause of your symptoms and concerns.
  • Weeks 4-7: Repair Phase—a personalized, nutrient-dense approach to calming your most pressing symptoms (e.g., gut dysbiosis, inflammation, circadian rhythm disruption, and more). The goal is to stop the chaos!
  • Weeks 8-11: Nourish Phase—here we loosen the bolts a bit and reintroduce foods and practices that can help you nourish and flourish.
  • Week 12: Offboarding—giving you the tools to be resilient and successful after our time together.
I'm ready for lasting change and health. Sign me up!

Here's the thing:

symptoms are always clues to an underlying problem. If we ignore them, they become shouts instead of mere whispers. I am committed to helping women learn what they need in order to get to the root of the symptoms and heal at the source. Because we all deserve to look and feel our best.

Hormone balance
Hormone balance

That's why

I designed The Hormone Healing Program, which is grounded in four pillars of healing:

  1. Hormone-balancing (supporting the body's natural ability to repair itself)
  2. Stress reduction (meditation, self-care, body positivity and self-concept)
  3. Healthy, sustainable weight loss (sugar cravings, deprivation, metabolism)
  4. Gut health (bloating, gas, leaky gut)

When you work with me,

here's what you'll get:

  • Bi-weekly coaching calls for support and accountability
  • 12 jam-packed weeks of learning modules on hormone health
  • Cheat sheets, tools, templates, and guides to help you put everything into practice
  • Meal plans and meal planning guidance
  • 24/7 access to me for questions, food recommendations, and more


Hormone balance

A Peek into the Program

Healthified in 21 Days Portal Home Page
Healthified in 21 Days Day View
Healthified in 21 Days Nutrition Lesson

The Hormone Healing Program


a total value of $7,000!

  • Detailed Intake Assessment, including evaluation of recent lab results if applicable ($900 value)
  • Weekly Meal Plans from my 1,000+ recipe database to give you hormone-friendly dishes for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and dessert ($2,400 value)
  • Weekly Behavior-Change Lessons and Challenges to help you put the this new lifestyle into practice ($500 value)
  • Actionable Coursework on hormone health, thyroid balance, blood sugar, cycle syncing and more—all synthesized from the latest nutrition research—to give you the must-know knowledge without having to read thousands of pages of scientific evidence ($1,200 value)
  • Bonus Guides, Tools, and Templates with lifetime access to content designed to help you implement and sustain change ($1,000 value)
  • Direct Access to Coach CiCi for private questions and guidance ($1,000 value)
SOLD. I want in.

Here's a detailed weekly outline of the Program:

Are you sick of feeling sick?


Are you over the overweight life?


Are you done being in a constant state of imbalance?


Your hormones are at the heart of it all. Are you ready to commit? To work? To give yourself the investment and dedication and attention and love that you need and fucking deserve?

Let’s do this.

Yes. Let's DO this. I want to be a part of this program!